Source code for pyidi.methods._simplified_optical_flow

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.patches as patches

from scipy.signal import convolve2d
from tqdm import tqdm
import tkinter as tk
from matplotlib.backends.backend_tkagg import FigureCanvasTkAgg, NavigationToolbar2Tk
from matplotlib.figure import Figure

import warnings

from .idi_method import IDIMethod

[docs] class SimplifiedOpticalFlow(IDIMethod): """ Displacmenet computation based on Simplified Optical Flow method [1]. Literature: [1] Javh, J., Slavič, J., & Boltežar, M. (2017). The subpixel resolution of optical-flow-based modal analysis. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 88, 89–99. [2] Lucas, B. D., & Kanade, T. (1981). An Iterative Image Registration Technique with an Application to Stereo Vision. In Proceedings of the 7th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence - Volume 2 (pp. 674–679). San Francisco, CA, USA: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers Inc. """
[docs] def configure(self, subset_size=3, pixel_shift=False, convert_from_px=1., mraw_range='all', mean_n_neighbours=0, zero_shift=False, progress_bar=True, reference_range=(0, 100)): """ Set the attributes, compute reference image and gradients. :param video: 'parent' object :type video: object :param subset_size: size of the averaging subset, defaults to 3 :param subset_size: int, optional :param pixel_shift: use pixel shift or not?, defaults to False :param pixel_shift: bool, optional :param convert_from_px: distance unit per pixel, defaults to 1. :param convert_from_px: float or int, optional :param mraw_range: what range of images to calculate into displacements, defaults to 'all' :param mraw_range: str or tuple, optional :param mean_n_neighbours: average the displacements of neighbouring points (how many points), defaults to 0 :param mean_n_neighbours: int, optional :param zero_shift: shift the mean of the signal to zero?, defaults to False :param zero_shift: bool, optional :param progress_bar: show progress bar while calculating the displacements, defaults to True :param progress_bar: bool, optional :param reference_range: what range of images is averaged into reference image, defaults to (0, 100) :param reference_range: tuple, optional """ self.subset_size = subset_size self.pixel_shift = pixel_shift self.convert_from_px = convert_from_px self.mraw_range = mraw_range self.mean_n_neighbours = mean_n_neighbours self.zero_shift = zero_shift self.progress_bar = progress_bar self.reference_range = reference_range # Get reference image and gradients self.reference_image, self.gradient_0, self.gradient_1, self.gradient_magnitude = self._reference()
[docs] def calculate_displacements(self, video): if not hasattr(video, 'points'): raise Exception('Please set points for analysis!') if self.pixel_shift: self.delta_0 = np.zeros((video.points.shape[0],)).astype(int) self.delta_1 = np.zeros((video.points.shape[0],)).astype(int) self.valid_points = np.ones((video.points.shape[0],)).astype(bool) else: self.delta_0 = 0 self.delta_1 = 0 gradient_0_direction = np.copy(self.gradient_0) gradient_1_direction = np.copy(self.gradient_1) signs_0 = np.sign( gradient_0_direction[video.points[:, 0], video.points[:, 1]]) signs_1 = np.sign( gradient_1_direction[video.points[:, 0], video.points[:, 1]]) self.direction_correction_0 = np.abs( gradient_0_direction[video.points[:, 0], video.points[:, 1]] / self.gradient_magnitude[video.points[:, 0], video.points[:, 1]]) self.direction_correction_1 = np.abs( gradient_1_direction[video.points[:, 0], video.points[:, 1]] / self.gradient_magnitude[video.points[:, 0], video.points[:, 1]]) # limited range of mraw can be observed if self.mraw_range != 'all': limited_mraw = range(self.mraw_range[0], self.mraw_range[1]) self.displacements = np.zeros((video.points.shape[0], self.mraw_range[1]-self.mraw_range[0], 2)) else: limited_mraw = range(video.reader.N) self.displacements = np.zeros((video.points.shape[0], video.reader.N, 2)) # Progress bar if self.progress_bar: p_bar = tqdm else: def p_bar(x, **kwargs): return x # empty function # calculating the displacements for i, frame_number in enumerate(p_bar(limited_mraw, ncols=100)): image = video.reader.get_frame(frame_number) image_filtered = self.subset(image, self.subset_size) self.image_roi = image_filtered[video.points[:,0] + self.delta_0, video.points[:, 1] + self.delta_1] self.latest_displacements = (self.reference_image[video.points[:,0] , video.points[:, 1] ] - self.image_roi) / \ self.gradient_magnitude[video.points[:,0], video.points[:, 1]] self.displacements[:, i, 0] = signs_0 * (self.direction_correction_0 * self.latest_displacements) + self.delta_0 self.displacements[:, i, 1] = signs_1 * (self.direction_correction_1 * self.latest_displacements) + self.delta_1 if self.pixel_shift: self.pixel_shift_fun(i, video.points, image.shape) # Convert the displacements from pixels to physical units: self.displacements *= self.convert_from_px # average the neighbouring points if isinstance(self.mean_n_neighbours, int): if self.mean_n_neighbours > 0: self.displacement_averaging() # shift the mean of the signal to zero if isinstance(self.zero_shift, bool): if self.zero_shift is True: m = np.mean(self.displacements, axis=1) self.displacements[:, :, 0] -= m[:, 0:1] self.displacements[:, :, 1] -= m[:, 1:] #check for large displacements if np.max(self.displacements)/self.convert_from_px>0.5 and self.pixel_shift is False: warnings.warn('Displacement larger than 0.5 pixel')
def calculate_displacements_multiprocessing(self): raise Exception('SimplifiedOpticalFLow method does not contain a multiprocessing option.')
[docs] def displacement_averaging(self): """Calculate the average of displacements. """ print('Averaging...') kernel = np.ones((self.mean_n_neighbours, 1)) / self.mean_n_neighbours d_0 = convolve2d(self.displacements[:, :, 0], kernel, mode='valid')[ ::self.mean_n_neighbours] d_1 = convolve2d(self.displacements[:, :, 1], kernel, mode='valid')[ ::self.mean_n_neighbours] self.displacements = np.concatenate( (d_0[:, :, np.newaxis], d_1[:, :, np.newaxis]), axis=2) print('Finished!')
[docs] def pixel_shift_fun(self, i, points, image_shape): """Pixel shifting implementation. Points that are going outside of the image range are excluded. """ self.delta_0 = np.round(self.displacements[:, i, 0]).astype(int) self.delta_1 = np.round(self.displacements[:, i, 1]).astype(int) # Exlude the points that have displacement going outside of the image range out_of_range_it = np.logical_or(self.delta_0 + points[:, 0] > image_shape[0] - 1, self.delta_1 + points[:, 1] > image_shape[1] - 1) if np.any(out_of_range_it): self.delta_0[out_of_range_it] = 0 self.delta_1[out_of_range_it] = 0 self.valid_points[out_of_range_it] = False warnings.warn('Displacement is going outside of the image range! The valid points are saved in self.method.valid_points') self.displacements[~self.valid_points, i, :] = np.nan
[docs] def _reference(self): """Calculation of the reference image, image gradients and gradient amplitudes. :param images: Images to average. Usually the first 100 images. :param subset_size: Size of the subset to average. :return: Reference image, image gradient in 0 direction, image gradient in 1 direction, gradient magnitude """ if self.reference_range[1] >= self.reference_range = (0, warnings.warn('Reference range is larger than the number of images. The reference range is set to (0, N).') reference_image = np.zeros((, \, dtype=float) for frame in range(self.reference_range[0], self.reference_range[1]): reference_image += reference_image /= (self.reference_range[1] - self.reference_range[0]) reference_image = self.subset(reference_image, self.subset_size) gradient_0, gradient_1 = np.gradient(reference_image) gradient_magnitude = np.sqrt(gradient_0**2 + gradient_1**2) return reference_image, gradient_0, gradient_1, gradient_magnitude
[docs] def subset(self, data, subset_size): """Calculating a filtered image. Calculates a filtered image with subset of d. It sums the area of d x d. :param data: Image that is to be filtered. :param subset_size: Size of the subset. :return: Filtered image. """ subset_size_q = int((subset_size - 1) / 2) subset_image = [] for i in range(-subset_size_q, subset_size_q + 1): for j in range(-subset_size_q, subset_size_q + 1): subset_roll = np.roll(data, i, axis=0) subset_roll = np.roll(subset_roll, j, axis=1) subset_image.append(subset_roll) return np.sum(np.asarray(subset_image), axis=0)
[docs] @staticmethod def get_points(video, **kwargs): """Determine the points. """ options = { 'subset': (20, 20), 'axis': 0, 'min_grad': 0., } # # Change the docstring in `set_points` to show the options # docstring = video.set_points.__doc__.split('---') # docstring[1] = '- ' + '\n\t- '.join(options) + '\n\t' # video.set_points.__func__.__doc__ = '---\n\t'.join(docstring) options.update(kwargs) if isinstance(options['subset'], int): options['subset'] = 2*(options['subset'], ) elif type(options['subset']) not in [list, tuple]: raise Exception( f'keyword argument "subset" must be int, list or tuple (not {type(options["subset"])})') polygon = PickPoints( video, subset=options['subset'], axis=options['axis'], min_grad=options['min_grad'])
[docs] class PickPoints: """Pick the area of interest. Select the points with highest gradient in vertical direction. """
[docs] def __init__(self, video, subset, axis, min_grad): self.subset = subset self.axis = axis self.min_grad = min_grad image = video.get_frame(0) self.gradient_0, self.gradient_1 = np.gradient(image.astype(float)) root = tk.Tk() # Tkinter root.title('Pick points') # Tkinter fig = Figure(figsize=(15, 7)) # Tkinter ax = fig.add_subplot(111) # Tkinter ax.grid(False) ax.imshow(image, cmap='gray') self.polygon = [[], []] line, = ax.plot(self.polygon[1], self.polygon[0], 'r.-') print('SHIFT + LEFT mouse button to pick a pole.\nRIGHT mouse button to erase the last pick.') self.shift_is_held = False def on_key_press(event): """Function triggered on key press (shift).""" if event.key == 'shift': self.shift_is_held = True def on_key_release(event): """Function triggered on key release (shift).""" if event.key == 'shift': self.shift_is_held = False def onclick(event): if event.button == 1 and self.shift_is_held: if event.xdata is not None and event.ydata is not None: self.polygon[1].append(int(np.round(event.xdata))) self.polygon[0].append(int(np.round(event.ydata))) print( f'y: {np.round(event.ydata):5.0f}, x: {np.round(event.xdata):5.0f}') elif event.button == 3 and self.shift_is_held: print('Deleted the last point...') del self.polygon[1][-1] del self.polygon[0][-1] line.set_xdata(self.polygon[1]) line.set_ydata(self.polygon[0]) fig.canvas.draw() def handle_close(event): """On closing.""" self.polygon = np.asarray(self.polygon).T for i, point in enumerate(self.polygon): print(f'{i+1}. point: x ={point[1]:5.0f}, y ={point[0]:5.0f}') # Add points to video object video.points = self.observed_pixels() video.polygon = self.polygon canvas = FigureCanvasTkAgg(fig, root) # Tkinter canvas.get_tk_widget().pack(side='top', fill='both', expand=1) # Tkinter NavigationToolbar2Tk(canvas, root) # Tkinter # Connecting functions to event manager fig.canvas.mpl_connect('key_press_event', on_key_press) fig.canvas.mpl_connect('key_release_event', on_key_release) fig.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', onclick) # on closing the figure fig.canvas.mpl_connect('close_event', handle_close) root.mainloop()
def observed_pixels(self): x = self.polygon[:, 1] y = self.polygon[:, 0] _polygon = np.asarray([x, y]).T x_low = min(x) x_high = max(x) y_low = min(y) y_high = max(y) # Get only the points in selected polygon inside = [] for x_ in range(x_low, x_high): for y_ in range(y_low, y_high): if self.inside_polygon(x_, y_, _polygon) is True: inside.append([y_, x_]) # Change indices (height, width) inside = np.asarray(inside) # Indices of points in the polygon # Points outside the polygon have gradient of value 0 g0 = np.zeros_like(self.gradient_0) g1 = np.zeros_like(self.gradient_1) g0[inside[:, 0], inside[:, 1]] = self.gradient_0[inside[:, 0], inside[:, 1]] g1[inside[:, 0], inside[:, 1]] = self.gradient_1[inside[:, 0], inside[:, 1]] if self.axis == 0: g = g0 elif self.axis == 1: g = g1 elif self.axis is None: g = g0**2 + g1**2 else: raise Exception( f'axis value {self.axis} is not valid. Please pick 0, 1 or None') indices = [] for i in range(y_low, y_high, self.subset[0]): for j in range(x_low, x_high, self.subset[1]): _g = g[i:i+self.subset[0], j:j+self.subset[1]] _ = np.argmax(np.abs(_g)) ind = np.unravel_index(_, _g.shape) if np.abs(_g[ind[0], ind[1]]) > np.max(np.abs(g))*self.min_grad: indices.append([i+ind[0], j+ind[1]]) return np.asarray(indices)
[docs] def inside_polygon(self, x, y, points): """Return True if a coordinate (x, y) is inside a polygon defined by a list of verticies [(x1, y1), (x2, x2), ... , (xN, yN)]. Reference: """ n = len(points) inside = False p1x, p1y = points[0] for i in range(1, n + 1): p2x, p2y = points[i % n] if y > min(p1y, p2y): if y <= max(p1y, p2y): if x <= max(p1x, p2x): if p1y != p2y: xinters = (y - p1y) * (p2x - p1x) / \ (p2y - p1y) + p1x if p1x == p2x or x <= xinters: inside = not inside p1x, p1y = p2x, p2y return inside