Source code for pyidi.video_reader

Module for reading video files from high-speed video recordings.

@author: Ivan Tomac (, Klemen Zaletelj (, Janko Slavič (

import os
import pyMRAW
import numpy as np
import imageio.v3 as iio

PHORTRON_HEADER_FILE = ['cih', 'cihx']
SUPPORTED_IMAGE_FORMATS = ['png', 'tif', 'tiff', 'bmp', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif']
PYAV_SUPPORTED_VIDEO_FORMATS = ['avi', 'mkv', 'mp4', 'mov', 'm4v', 'wmv', 'webm', 'flv', 'ogg', 'ogv']
CHANNELS = {'R': 0, 'G': 1, 'B': 2}

[docs] class VideoReader: """ Manages reading of high-speed video recordings. The video recording can be any of the supported file formats which includes image streams, video files or memory map for "mraw" file format. This applies to frames from image and video file formats: Reader returns the frame as a monochrome image. For colour images the "Y" (luma) is default channel, but other channels can be selected ("R", "G", "B", "Y"). The reader returns image in 2D "numpy.array" ("height, width") of type "numpy.uint8" or "numpy.uint16" depending on the bit depth of the image file, e.g. 12 bit depth images are returned as "numpy.array" of type "numpy.uint16". """
[docs] def __init__(self, input_file, root=None): """ The video recording is initialized by providing the path to the image/video file, "cih(x)" file from Photron, or "numpy.ndarray". For image stream it is enough to provide the path to the any image file in the sequence. Images in stream must be in the same directory and named in the way that can be sorted in the correct order, e.g. for stream of 10000 images file names should be: "im_0000.ext, ..., im_9999.ext". Image formats that support multiple images, such as "gif", "tif" are supported too. Upgrade is needed to enable higher bit depth then 8 bit for video file formats. :param input_file: path to the image/video or "cih(x)" file :type input_file: str :param root: root directory of the image/video file. Only used when the input file is a "np.ndarray". Defaults to None. :type root: str """ if isinstance(input_file, np.ndarray): if root is None: raise ValueError('Root directory must be provided for np.ndarray input file!') self.root = root self.file_format = 'np.ndarray' else: self.root, self.file = os.path.split(input_file) self.file_format = self.file.split('.')[-1].lower() if self.file_format in PHORTRON_HEADER_FILE: self.mraw, info = pyMRAW.load_video(input_file) self.N = info['Total Frame'] self.image_width = info['Image Width'] self.image_height = info['Image Height'] elif self.file_format in SUPPORTED_IMAGE_FORMATS: image_prop = iio.improps(input_file) self.image_meta = iio.immeta(input_file, plugin='pyav') if image_prop.n_images is None: self.is_n_images = False sc_dir = os.scandir(self.root) self.frame_files = [ for f in sc_dir \ if \ or] self.N = len(self.frame_files) self.image_width = image_prop.shape[1] self.image_height = image_prop.shape[0] else: self.is_n_images = True self.N = image_prop.n_images self.image_width = image_prop.shape[2] self.image_height = image_prop.shape[1] elif self.file_format in PYAV_SUPPORTED_VIDEO_FORMATS: video_prop = iio.improps(input_file, plugin='pyav') self.N = video_prop.n_images self.image_width = video_prop.shape[2] self.image_height = video_prop.shape[1] elif self.file_format == 'np.ndarray': self.mraw = input_file self.N = input_file.shape[0] self.image_width = input_file.shape[2] self.image_height = input_file.shape[1] else: raise ValueError('Unsupported file format!') return None
[docs] def get_frame(self, frame_number, *args): """ Returns the "frame_number"-th frame from the video. Frames from image and video files are checked for the bit depth and converted to 8 or 16 bit depth if needed. The frames from "numpy.ndarray" and "mraw" files are returned as they are. :param frame_number: frame number :type frame_number: int :param args: additional arguments to be passed to the image readers to handle multiple channels in image :return: image (monochrome) """ if not 0 <= frame_number < self.N: raise ValueError('Frame number exceeds total frame number!') if self.file_format in PHORTRON_HEADER_FILE or self.file_format == 'np.ndarray': image = self.mraw[frame_number] elif self.file_format in SUPPORTED_IMAGE_FORMATS: image = self._get_frame_from_image(frame_number, *args) elif self.file_format in PYAV_SUPPORTED_VIDEO_FORMATS: image = self._get_frame_from_video_file(frame_number, *args) return image
[docs] def _get_frame_from_image(self, frame_number, use_channel='Y'): """Reads the frame from the image stream, or image file containing multiple images. Colour images are assumed to be in "RGB(A)" format and they are automatically converted to "YUV" and "Y"(luma) channel is used. The 'use_channel' parameter can be used to select other the channels. The supported channels are R, G, B, Y (luma). :param frame_number: frame number :type frame_number: int :param use_channel: "R", "G", "B", "Y" (luma), defaults to "Y" :return: image (monochrome) """ if self.is_n_images: input_file = os.path.join(self.root, self.file) image = iio.imread(input_file, index=frame_number, plugin='pyav', format=self.image_meta['video_format']) else: input_file = os.path.join(self.root, self.frame_files[frame_number]) image = iio.imread(input_file, index=0, plugin='pyav', format=self.image_meta['video_format']) im_bit_depth = int(np.ceil(np.log2(image.max()))) if im_bit_depth <= 8 and image.dtype != np.uint8: image = np.asarray(image, dtype=np.uint8) elif 8 < im_bit_depth <= 16 and image.dtype != np.uint16: image = np.asarray(image, dtype=np.uint16) elif im_bit_depth <= 8 and image.dtype == np.uint8: pass elif 8 < im_bit_depth <= 16 and image.dtype == np.uint16: pass else: raise ValueError('image format is not 8 or 16 bit depth! Image format: {}'.format(image.dtype)) if len(image.shape) == 2: pass elif use_channel.upper() == 'Y': image = _rgb2luma(image[:, :, :3]) elif use_channel.upper() in CHANNELS.keys(): image = image[:, :, CHANNELS.get(use_channel.upper())] else: raise ValueError('Unsupported channel! Only R, G, B, Y are supported.') return image
[docs] def _get_frame_from_video_file(self, frame_number, use_channel='Y'): """Reads the frame from the video file which is supported by the "imagio.v3" "pyav" plug-in. :param frame_number: frame number :type frame_number: int :param use_channel: "R", "G", "B", "Y" (luma), defaults to "Y" :return: monochrome image in 8 bit depth (note: needs upgrade to support higher bit depth) """ input_file = os.path.join(self.root, self.file) if use_channel == 'Y': image = iio.imread(input_file, index=frame_number, plugin='pyav', format='yuv444p') image = image.transpose(1, 2, 0) image = image[:, :, 0] elif use_channel.upper() in CHANNELS.keys(): image = iio.imread(input_file, index=frame_number, plugin='pyav') image = image[:, :, CHANNELS.get(use_channel.upper())] else: raise ValueError('Unsupported channel! Only R, G, B and Y are supported.') return image
[docs] def _rgb2luma(rgb_image): """Converts "RGB" image to "YUV" and returns only "Y" (luma) component. :param rgb_image: "RGB" image "(w, h, channels)" :type rgb_image: numpy.array :return: luma image """ T = np.array([[ 0.29900, -0.16874, 0.50000], [0.58700, -0.33126, -0.41869], [ 0.11400, 0.50000, -0.08131]]) yuv_image =, T) y = np.asarray(np.around(yuv_image[:, :, 0]), dtype=rgb_image.dtype) return y