Documenting the code#


  • Sphinx

    pip install sphinx

Automatic code documentation with autodoc#

The Sphinx autodoc extension automatically includes our Python modules documentation in the generated Sphinx documentation.

Addind a new module documentaiton to the build#

It is most likely not practical to iclude all of our apps Python modules in the build. Only the modules and classes with the most extensive documentation (docstrings), and the ones where most developer updates are expected should be included.

To add another module’s documentation to the build, add a new entry to the doc/code/modules.rst file, with the correct relative Python path to the module. For example, the documentation is included by:

.. automodule::

For more information, see the autodoc documentation.

Docstring style: reStructuredText#


def function1(self, arg1, arg2, arg3):
  """returns (arg1 / arg2) + arg3

  This is a longer explanation, which may include math with latex syntax
  Then, you need to provide optional subsection in this order (just to be
  consistent and have a uniform documentation. Nothing prevent you to
  switch the order):

    - parameters using ``:param <name>: <description>``
    - type of the parameters ``:type <name>: <description>``
    - returns using ``:returns: <description>``
    - examples (doctest)
    - seealso using ``.. seealso:: text``
    - notes using ``.. note:: text``
    - warning using ``.. warning:: text``
    - todo ``.. todo:: text``

    - Uses sphinx markups, which will certainly be improved in future
    - Nice HTML output with the See Also, Note, Warnings directives

    - Just looking at the docstring, the parameter, type and  return
      sections do not appear nicely

  :param arg1: the first value
  :param arg2: the first value
  :param arg3: the first value
  :type arg1: int, float,...
  :type arg2: int, float,...
  :type arg3: int, float,...
  :returns: arg1/arg2 +arg3
  :rtype: int, float


  >>> import template
  >>> a = template.MainClass1()
  >>> a.function1(1,1,1)

  .. note:: can be useful to emphasize
      important feature
  .. seealso:: :class:`MainClass2`
  .. warning:: arg2 must be non-zero.
  .. todo:: check that arg2 is non zero.

  return arg1/arg2 + arg3